Play the most trending GTA 5 Android game online

Previous years have been the best for the history of GTA Online – a multiplayer game mode for Grand Theft Auto V that is still being developed. Rockstar has praised the fans’ involvement and confirmed that the number of players logged to the title.

While browsing through the results of GTA 5 Android sales, one can forget that the title debuted on the shop shelves a few years ago. The production of Rockstar studio has beat hundreds of different popularity records and it found its way to millions of players around the world.

Multiplayer gameplay module of GTA V that is still being developed by the producers enjoys unquestionable popularity. The authors systematically add new content and expand it month after month.

The authors boasted that the past year occurred to be the best year in the history of GTA 5 Mobile. Although authors do not provide us with specific data, they confirm that in December the record number of players logged in to the game. is a group of GTA series fans. Each of us played in every part of the cycle and we all know it was an unforgettable experience.

We met at the fan forum regarding GTA, where we started to share our experiences and novelties from the world of GTA. During one of our GTA Online games, one of us came up with the idea of creating an information site regarding GTA 5 Apk for mobile devices only. We didn’t have to wait long and we immediately started to work on “GTA Portable”.

We want fans of GTA series to have access to the latest information regarding their games, online updates, and so on. That is why we try to fill all the entries as often and as fast as it is possible, so our users can stay up to date with the novelties from the game.

We hope that the community of the page will be still developing, and the users will actively participate in the process of creating the content. To download GTA 5 please visit here.


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