GTA 5 Mobile
Today I would like to present you a way to play GTA 5 on your mobile device with iOS and Android system. It sounds incredible, right? In order to proudly say that you “play gta 5 mobile”, you have to prepare the appropriate hardware and software. You will need: PC computer, Internet connection, smartphone, and our beloved game – GTA V. Before we start, I would like to say that I play GTA 5 on Android and I am enjoying it very much. To think about playing GTA 5 on Android or iOS, it is necessary to download an application called Remotr on both devices (PC and smartphone). IT enables us to stream games from our PC on mobile phone. Down below there is an instruction of how to do it. How To Start? Download and install Remotr Streamer your PC. Register account by using your e-mail address and password (do not use the same as in case of your e-mail account) and login to Streamer. Install an application Remotr on your Android phone, iPhone, iPad, or any other device or computer...